Go on, tell us everything!
Two of SAP’s most successful, intuitive customer tools need your feedback to improve their services.
SAP offers its customers one of the best Cloud ERP on the market, that can give clear guidance on your journey to running intelligent, sustainable, and resilient enterprises. Tools such as the SAP Road Map Explorer and the SAP Transformation Navigator can help you to achieve this every day.
The interest from both customers and SAP partners in these tools has been remarkable – SAP Road Map Explorer has approximately 2 million page-hits and SAP Transformation Navigator has been used to create more than 100,000 individualized product maps to chart the way to an SAP S/4HANA centric landscape based on customer industry, business priorities and important business capabilities for their digital future.
SAP Road Map Explorer supports this journey by providing all SAP road maps in one place and showing the strategic evolution of SAP’s product portfolio. This creates transparency and allows you to better plan your SAP projects. Download SAP's handy guide to the Road Map Explorer here.
Now, here's where you come in. SAP would appreciate your input and feedback to further improve their tools and services. SAP would like to invite you to participate in the SAP Transformation Navigator and SAP Road Map Explorer survey. Your feedback will shape the future of SAP tools.
Visit the tools now and let your voice be heard.
SAP Transformation Navigator >> https://go.support.sap.com/transformationnavigator...
SAP Road Map Explorer >> https://roadmaps.sap.com/welcome#/