
Dash Computer Products LLP


Partner type
Consulting / Systems Integrator (SI), Hardware Vendor
Automotive, Aerospace & Defence, Defence and Security, Consumer Products, Retail, Chemicals

Case studies:

Boughey Distribution Go Paperless with ePOD Solution

Boughey Distribution wanted to digitise their proof of delivery (POD) solution, so asked Barcode-IT for advice. The new ePOD solution runs on Android PDA devices and has made a huge impact on the business. “The environmental impact of moving to an ePOD solution is staggering! When the roll out is complete, we should see a saving of between 750,000 and 1,000,000 sheets of paper each year - the equivalent of 31-41 trees!” says Neil Trotter, Transport Operations Director at Boughey.

SAP Warehouse Modernisation at R. Twining & Company Ltd.

Following the modernisation of production equipment at Twining's Andover factory, it became obvious that the warehouse data capture hardware and software solution also required a refresh. Twining's contacted Barcode-IT to investigate the latest data capture hardware on the market and after trialling a selection of Zebra Technologies devices, selected a range of mobile computers best suited to their business needs.

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The content provided here is supplied by the Partner, and UKISUG accepts no responsibility or liability for its accuracy, completeness, or relevance. Any opinions, advice, or information expressed are those of the Partner alone and do not reflect the views or endorsements of UKISUG.